by Neil Richardson | Aug 15, 2019 | Walt Whitman |
Home Walt Whitman Transcendent Vision Saving Whitman Whitman Meditation About Neil Soul Sight is Creativity “There is apart from mere intellect, in the make-up of every superior human identity…a wonderous something that realizes without argument…and intuition of the...
by Neil Richardson | Mar 1, 2018 | Walt Whitman |
Home Walt Whitman Transcendent Vision Saving Whitman Whitman Meditation About Neil Whitman’s Tomb Beginning in the mid-1990s, I began to make pilgrimages to Whitman’s tomb in Camden, New Jersey. The purpose is to pay my respects to the master and also to...
by Neil Richardson | May 25, 2017 | Donald Trump, Spiritual Democracy, Walt Whitman |
Home Walt Whitman Transcendent Vision Saving Whitman Whitman Meditation About Neil Spiritual Democracy Learning from Walt Whitman and Thriving in the Trumped World Neil Richardson and Steven Herrmann “In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the...
by Neil Richardson | Dec 16, 2016 | Enlightened Self Interest, Tocqueville, Walt Whitman |
Home Walt Whitman Transcendent Vision Saving Whitman Whitman Meditation About Neil Tocqueville, Whitman and Enlightened Self Interest Is Tocqueville’s concept of enlightened self-interest still a useful way to think about democratic citizenship? Perhaps Walt Whitman...
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