Additional Resources
Recommended Readings
Courtesy of Walt Whitman Integral:
- DC Integral Emergence Meetup Group | Ken Wilber
- On Whitman | C.K. Williams
- Worshiping Walt | Religion & Ethics Newsweekly | PBS
- Reading Whitman Religiously | The Chronicle Review | The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Walt Whitman: Shamanism, Spiritual Democracy, and the World Soul | Steven B. Herrmann
- Singing the Poet Electric | Sunday Book Review | The New York Times
- Mickle Street Review: An Electronic Journal of Whitman and American Studies
- Patriot of the Moment: Walt Whitman | Newsweek
- Worshipping Walt: The Whitman Disciples | Princeton University Press | Michael Robertson
- Walt Whitman’s Spiritual Epic | Pendle Hill Pamphlet | Michael Robertson
Kindred Spirits
- Ken Wilber
- Arthur Koestler
- William Everson
- Henry Miller
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Steven Herrmann
- John Slade (Whitman Sings)